

I remember I mentioned my soulmate in the States to you. I told you about her polyamorous relationship with her partner-- deep intimate life connection, yet with sexual freedom. With the condition of transparent honest communication. It might be tricky, but they'd been perfectly executing it.

You were amazed. And you asked why I have so many friends of such (eccentric kind). I smiled; I am lucky. "But it could also be the law of attraction: the likes attract," I said.

What I didn't say out explicitly was that, her ideal was mine too. I'm actually open to polyamory, if not actively seeking for it.

It's not like I need the sexual freedom. Quite the opposite; I'm afraid I'm more on the platonic side. I just want to honor every individual's deepest harmless desires (if any), and co-exist with them so they don't come in the way of the precious spiritual and sexual connections I develop with someone, which doesn't come by often... rare, in fact.



© 岛与树的向往
Maira Gall